Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cloudy Moon

With it's cloudy white Cracked Quartz beads, silver bead caps and unique metal Moon Flower pendant, this one-of-a-kind necklace and earrings set will complement any outfit. Made with an easy glide silver clasp for your convenience, this classy necklace is one you will turn to again and again.

The earrings are elegant enough to dress up any outfit by themselves, or to wear with the perfectly matching necklace. They are made of the same Cracked Quartz beads and sliver caps, and with their graceful length and dazzling sparkle they are sure to charm every girl.

$17.00 {Includes Shipping Costs}

More pictures coming soon! Thank your for your patience!


Anonymous said...

This is such a pretty necklace! And the cracked quartz beads look so great with the pendant!

Lydia said...

I love these earrings! I am wearing them right now, and they are simply dazzling! Thank you Lee!

Chaunalee said...

AWW! Well, your welcome, Lilla! I am so glad you like them! Thank you for commenting! :)


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My Guarantee


The pendants are guaranteed to stay on your necklaces. My dear Mama and I have worn and tinkered with my work and have found what we think is the most practical and charming. We have done our best to make sure that your sets stay as beautiful as when you buy them even with young children pulling and twisting them! If they do not, send them back and I will fix them provided you pay shipping to me. I will pay for return shipping.

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