Friday, July 10, 2009

Simply Shell Earrings

Simply Shell Earrings are made with a single mussel shell daintily framed by silver seed beads. My Mom loves hers and it matches well with most anything. They would be the perfect touch to any of your summer ensembles, whether for a trip to the beach or just around town.

$8.00 {Shipping Costs Included}

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My Guarantee


The pendants are guaranteed to stay on your necklaces. My dear Mama and I have worn and tinkered with my work and have found what we think is the most practical and charming. We have done our best to make sure that your sets stay as beautiful as when you buy them even with young children pulling and twisting them! If they do not, send them back and I will fix them provided you pay shipping to me. I will pay for return shipping.

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