Saturday, June 20, 2009

Coming Soon!

Although life keeps us busy, we have been putting much time and thought into our jewelry and this blog. Capturing and then sorting through 300 plus photos of the pieces we hope to post here takes more time than you might imagine, but we are ever working towards bringing these originals to you very soon.

We are in the final steps of this process, and hope to be posting with pictures and descriptions of some beautiful sets within the next few days, so enjoy this sneak peek and check back soon!

(click on photos to enlarge)

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My Guarantee


The pendants are guaranteed to stay on your necklaces. My dear Mama and I have worn and tinkered with my work and have found what we think is the most practical and charming. We have done our best to make sure that your sets stay as beautiful as when you buy them even with young children pulling and twisting them! If they do not, send them back and I will fix them provided you pay shipping to me. I will pay for return shipping.

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